Friday, August 15, 2014

Video: Apple Bans 2 Chemicals Used In iPhone, iPad Assembly

Apple Bans 2 Chemicals Used In iPhone, iPad Assembly - Share The Concetps

Thursday Apple announced it's banning the use of two chemicals in its factories after petitions from labor activist groups.

The groups, Green America and China Labor Watch, urged Apple to stop using benzene, a known carcinogen, and n-hexane, which can cause nerve damage.

Apple launched its own investigation on its 22 factories and only found the chemical at four of its facilities. The investigation found the chemicals were being used at normal safety levels.

But Apple decided to ban them in certain stages of its production line anyway. It will allow them in early production stages at a reduced level.

The company announced its decision Thursday saying: "We're committed to removing toxins from our products and processes. Because everyone has the right to a safe product and a safe working environment."